For the umpteenth times, blood drenched for saving Palestine
For the umpteenth times, we heard the infamy act of Israel to Pelestine
And for the umpteenth times, the world can do nothing to solve it.
YES for reactions: protest, fullmanations, demonstrations, prosecutions not only said by middle eastern countries but also the western countries.
But NO for the result of reactions. Nothing can stopped the israel to continue its intention to create their countries.
Last month people in the whole world were shocked by the attacks against humanitarian ships ”Mavi Marmara” on Mediterranean Sea. We know that the ship brought the volunteers, many aids for the refugees in the Gaza Strip. But when the ship entered Mediterranean sea, It was attacked by Zionist armies. They shooted the volunteers who didn’t use any gun! Just like VOC denude the farmer. Ironic, the slaughter happened in 2010, moreover attached into humanitarian mission. Really beyond of my logic!
Conflict History

Balfour agreement (1917) is the beginning of this conflict. Where the British gave the promise to Israel and the state would acquire land legally and legitimized. If it is drawn far back, this conflict caused by manythings . Historical background, religion, holocaust events, making the intention of Israel to make the state itself increasingly unstoppable. Realization of the Israel State which stretches from the Mediterranean Sea up to Iraq. Has lasted approximately 62 years old. And it won’t be ended before jewish racial hegemony mission perfectly has been formed.
But I stunned when I knew the world reaction beyond my estimation. Western countries that I doubt their concern for the problems of Palestine – Israel, become countries which have high concern of it. Turkey is one of them. This country is geographically located in Europe, but his Islamic culture is very strong in the community. This country changed direction of idealism into a secular state for being admitted into the brotherhood of the European Union. However, inwardly people, some still very religious and caring for middle east problems. Mavi Marmara tragedy opened my eyes that the strenght of moslem’s country is very weak. I remember hadist that said: Even, at that time there are many of you, but you like 'ghutsa' (dirty scum that carried water during floods). Surely God will be reluctant to remove the sense of existing in your enemy's chest-the chest, then He throw to you sense of 'wahn' " (wahn is feeling"Love the world and fear of death
Difficult to be explained why Indonesia as country that has most polpulous moslem doesn’t take a big part (officialy) to lead againts of palestine conflict.This is related to the interest of our country againts Israel allies. Action that has been taken is not to open diplomatic ties with israel. It means that Indonesia does not recognize the existence of Israel as a state. Indeed difficult position. The downside is Indonesia no longer has any interest in what happens on Israel, other Indonesian people’s emotional relationship to society as a fellow palestine.

Like to see a war comic sequel. C’mon, I wanna jump into last chapter. Palestinians must have been tired of the battles. Their only one heroes, HAMAS has been increasingly pressured. Cap as an international terrorist campaign blacks, making them recessived. As a spectator im fed up with them. I can’t imagine how about our brother in Palestine.
God has promised that the Al-Aqsa is one of the holy house of Allah that is guaranteed will stand up to the end og world. Similar with collateral of Mecca. We believe that promises. These make me optimistic that Palestinians will be safe but I can’t think about the ways. What’s needed is, the Pioneer who unite all muslims to help the Palestinians against the Zionist. Party who doesn’t appear and disappear.
Indonesia? Ok, it seems too grandiose. Let we simplify it….
Will we? Have we occurred the ways?
(gambar: ini, ini, dan ini) naskah: berbagai sumber
The last chapter is only a step ahead..
But, The Writer choose the way we could not imagine..
Just believe!
And Do something!
thx alot kantong doraemon,, caused i do not have new ideas for saving palestine i keep my hope inside. and do everything i can do. Writing is my fave way :)
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