it was long time ago when i wrote here.
people asked me but i still stag on my laziness to write.
well lets groove!!
do you still remember what ur childhood dreams?
Anybody wants to be a doctor? A pilot? A Cop? Or president? Do you know, from 10 favorite ideal profession in children version, tax officer isn’t there in the list! LOL. we can guess it also.
Nobody wonder to become a tax officer. That was unpopular job at that time. Perhaps, when we were child, the older used to teach us to do not think creatively. Nobody wants to be a fire bridge, or become official city park.We used to have common ideal. Doctor, Cap, Pilot, and Astronaut.

Have u got ur childhood's dream?
don't worry, neither do others :)
If we remember our dream in childhood, must have been much different. The question is, why do people tend not to reach their childhood dream?
actually an ideal is not a destiny, but a signpost. Ideals is not a command, but a commitment. Talking about dreams, we are talking about how strong maintain the commitment to reach it.
I was one of millions who have not achieved my childhood dream. As a child I wanted to be a lawyer, and of course much different. I was not a law school student. But its okay, Because for me, ideals ideally made when in the mature years, when someone was able to see the biggest potential in him or her self, so that the ideals will be more easily achieved. I call it, a mature dreams. And my second round dreams is to become a teacher.
Always there happiness comes when I can teach someone with a particular discipline. I like math. and i like to teach mathematics. One time, I am sure will become a teacher, or lecturer. I want to teach students on campus with a discipline that I have, the economy. That's what prompted me to continue my school.
My biggest motivation to continue school is want to upgrade the knowledge. So that one day I am eligible for teaching. Beside that, I want to become a teacher at home for my children someday. That's why I am learning a lot this, swimming, music, reading Qur’an etc, because I wish I will teach my children those skills. My mature dreams isn’t fantastic but it is real. I hold the principle, man jadda, wa jada. Who is conscientious - she certainly can get it.
Friends, what your mature dream?